

Install RabbitMQ in Windows

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1. Install ErLang Software in Windows. Please download it from below link,


2. Install RabbitMQ software in Windows. Please download it from below link,

Please download latest release from this link.


3. While installing RabbitMQ, don't run RabbitMQ service from the installer.

4.After installed of RabbitMQ, please go to installed path.  ( rabbitmq_server-X.X.X\sbin )

and run it with cmd.

5. To enable web based management of RabbitMQ, please run below command in the cmd.

rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management


6. To start the RabbitMQ, please run below command in the cmd.



7. If you don't want to stick on cmd after starting the rabbitmq.  Please use below flag.

rabbitmq-server.bat -detached


That's it.! Cool!

Siva P SV

Siva P SV

I am developer and blogger. I am experienced in PHP, .NET, Android, Ionic, I know these kind of language. Because, I would like to learn new things in this world. I am still learning much more things. Oh, I forgot to mention that I am also one of the Co-Founders of Tuty Rocks